We're back!
Hi all. It’s been over a year since we last updated, so here’s a little information on what’s been going on…
By early last year, we started to actively seek out publishers who we hoped would be interested in The Seer. We’d created a pretty good demo by this point, which was very well received, but for one reason or another we could not get the game signed. Sadly, as we were self-funding and quickly running out of cash, we had no other choice but to mothball the project and go our separate ways for the foreseeable future.
We all found other projects to work on but we would still meet up from time to time. The Seer was always the main topic of conversation and one day Paul (Johnson), the MD and Creative Director, said he thought he might have come up with a way for us to complete the development of the game. Basically, without going into too much detail right now, an area of the original game was absorbing a large portion of the development costs. We realised there was another way to approach it; and actually, the more we thought about it, we discovered it was even better than the original idea – a great win-win situation! So now with the reduced development budget, we’re able to give The Seer another shot.
A few months ago we moved into our new office in the heart of Liverpool, and we’re now working as hard as we can to create the game we’ve been craving to make for the last few years, and hopefully produce something special and unique for you all to enjoy.
We’ll be updating you guys on the development as much as we can and we’d love to hear your thoughts too, so please feel free to contact us, and please follow us on social media to keep up to date with where we are up to. Do svidaniya, comrades.